Tuesday, September 20, 2005

escape from reality

escape from reality
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
Ok so the title of this picture that I found caught my attention. It is so much like most of us, wanting to escape from reality--avoiding our problems. So much would I like to escape from certain issues in my life and move away. For some reason I think moving or "escaping from reality" will make my problems go away, but in actuality your problems just go with you and sometimes get worse.

I think I know what is best for me, but only the Lord knows that one. The school year started off with finding out the reason I have been sick for so long is because I have mono. Of course I find out the day my sister had her baby girl, so I couldn't even go to the hospital to hold her. But God had his perfect timing and I was able to hold her last night for the first time!

Another reality thing that kinda kicks my butt is this whole dating thing. I wish that I could get passed this struggle in my life. I know that marriage isn't perfect and that it has it's problems, but I just want a different set of problems to deal with for varieties sake. Idealy I would like to skip the whole dating thing and go right to engagement. It would be so nice for "the one" to come up to me and say "I love you will you marry me?". . .skip from friends to engagement. I know that this is not going to happen, because you need that dating time to figure certain things out in a relationship. I just hate the limbo of pre-dating relationships where you are unsure of their feelings for you. I also hate after dating when things don't work out. Whether you break up with them or they break up with you, it is no fun just pure hurt feelings and awkwardness for a while afterwards.

So as I sit and think of my ideal life and try and escape from reality, I realize that if I had my ideal life, I would be bored. More importantly I wouldn't depend on the Lord for anything either. So I will struggle through the same old things until God removes them in His timing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She doesn't need to go to dating websites!!!! Women don't need men to "complete" them. So leave her alone! :-)