Tuesday, July 25, 2006

a new name for a new car. . .

new car
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
As Stella, my old car, was killed 2 1/2 short weeks ago, I have moved on to purchase a newer "used" car. Here is a picture of my new car, and I needed other people's input on a name. So far I have gotten Shaneequa, Shanaynay etc. So here is a chance to use your creative juices and help me name my new car. . . if your the lucky winner. . . well, I'll give you a free ride in it the next time your in PA!


Tyararr J. Jones said...

what about these names? Jade, the Black Pearl, Night, Shadow,Smoky,Stallion,Mystique,....okay so these may not be that helpful

Kelli said...

I like your new car! I don't have any suggestions for names but I am sure that you will come up with a good one!

Christina said...

How about groove (like how stell got her's back) How about big momma, black beauty, the beast :-, estelle... I give up. Sam wants to know what type of car it is so he can better come up with a name. Love ya!

Sharon said...

The car is a black Honda Civic, hatchback in case that is helpful for anyone and their name suggestions. . . I am on my way to narrowing it down to the top 3. . .

Jen and Mark said...

well - i like the black pearl and big momma - but to me it looks like a man car so lets give it a manly name like nero or vespucian all of those emperor names!

and groove really made me laugh christina - you come up with the best ideas!!!