Monday, September 18, 2006

a requested update

So I was asked by one of my friend's to update my blog, so I will. I don't have a picture to put with it, but when I get the time I'll upload more pictures so that my blog does not look so boring.

What has been going on in the life of Sharon. . . Let's see. . . teaching 5th grade and coaching cheerleading keeps me pretty busy. I also find myself spending a lot of time with a particular boy, which can cause a serious lack of sleep. Currently, my dad is in Alaska preaching/hunting and taking some overdue rest and relaxation. Last weekend we had a college and career age retreat at my family's mountain house which was most enjoyable. I know this is a vague overview, but when I have pictures I'll give a more detailed update. This is just a hold-over for my avid readers who requested one.


Katie Barker said...

Thanks for the update. I'll be looking forward to the pictures!

Christina said...

I'll be waiting... :-)

Unknown said...

And who is this mysterious particular boy who causes lack of sleep?

Jen and Mark said...

wow - your blog looks great too. how do you guys do that?

Sharon said...

Alicia-the mysterious boy is now my boyfriend. His name is Derek and he's in PA for seminary at Calvary.

Kelli said...

Hope you school year is going well and congrats on the boyfriend - looking forward to pictures!