Tuesday, December 13, 2005


bumper sticker
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
Well, this bumper sticker was stuck on none other than Daniel Birkholz's (aka birkface, jerkface, nerdface's) car. I do believe this bumper sticker is a classic, and well, Daniel deserved a little revenge from violating poor little stella (my car). Yes, I named my car. . . but it's my only worldly asset of any significant monitary value. There will be more pictures to come of other assundry items hung from his car by yours truly:o)

Well, on a more serious note, God is truly good. I know everybody says that, but He's so patient with me even when I feel such a disconnect between my head and my heart (as stated in the last posted blog). It takes a lot of prayer to get myself out of my inward and selfish mindset, to a mindset that is totally focused on God. Often times I don't even realize how unrealistic my thoughts are until my emotions are all wacked out. But through the prayer of my friends and my own prayers, God brings me back to the right mindset. I need to think on the things that true, lovely and of good report. No more thinking on the "what if" or "if only" part of life. I am not in control of the future, and I can not change the past. God works everything out for his Glory, no matter how much I screw up or untrusting I become.

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