Monday, July 03, 2006

just an update on life

Sorry no picture this time. I didn't have the patience today to upload some new pictures. Recently, I have been working some temp jobs. The one that I am currently at a bit boring, but it pays well. All I do at this current job is copy, shred and file, copy, shred and file. . . etc. I am in a room by myself all day (except for lunch break) with no windows to the outside world. . . but thankfully I have my ever-faithful iPod to help past the time. I only have 3 more days left on that job (wed.-fri. this week) and then I will be at my church camp (Camp Calvary) for two weeks. I am excited to go to camp to counsel again. This year I am counseling for Junior camp #3 and Sr. High camp #1.

This summer so far has been suprisingly full. There hasn't been much down time, as I had thought, but a definite change of pace. Summers usually consist of staying up late and waking up late as much as possible, and not feeling guilty one bit for doing it. Weekends are full of whatever kind of activity we can drum up. Last night we cooked out some shishkabobs and other various things, then we played a very aggressive game of spoons. For the fourth of July I am not sure what I am doing yet. Some of my friends are going down to Philly and my family is staying in the area and having a cook-out at the house. So now I have to make the decision on which activity I would prefer to go to. . . So what is everybody else doing for the fourth???

Last week Rebecca and Michael Saunders were in from Guam. It was a nice suprise to see them. Michael was taking a Seminary class at our seminary and since Rebecaa is from this area, she came along.

So that is the basic update of happenings here the past couple weeks. God has been showing me a lot lately. I don't know what He is planning for me for the future, but there has been some open doors that I am praying about.


Unknown said...

Hey girl,

What did you end up doing for the 4th? We had a mellow cook-out with neighbors. No fireworks or parade this year. Hope you're enjoying camp!

Katie Barker said...

Sharon, I totally understand the whole no window to the outside world thing. It's horrible. It could be a beutiful day, or one of those fun rainy afternoons, and you have no idea. It's cool though that you can have your ipod. What's been playing on it?

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! » »