Thursday, January 05, 2006

Raspy Laughs. . .

Raspy Laughs. . .
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
Khehehehehe. . . many raspy laughs. . . yes only a select few actually know what I am talking about. Rebeast and I love our raspy laughs, and well are deemed appropriate on certain conversations and occasions. It's almost an evil laugh coming from the back of one's throat, sounding almost like a smoker's laugh. It often occurs when one is recalling humurous events that have taken place or observing someone else's reaction to a prank or event. Rebeast is the founder of the laugh and I now have acquired my own raspiness. Once one has acquired the laugh, it is hard to predict when it will appear. . . and therefore provides a little variety to one's laughing ensemble.

So I have also figured out that I am completely random. My thoughts are random and therefore my talk is random. One may never know what may come out of my mouth as a result of a random thought. . . I like to call it creativity, but others say otherwise.

Last week I spent the week in Chi-Town with my bud, Melissa Thacker. We had a grand old time ice skating, staying up to the wee hours of the morning talking and of course sleeping in to the late hours of the morning. It was a wonderful time of fellowship and relaxation. For one, to be away from Calvary is a rarity in my life. To be someplace where you are no longer a teacher, or the pastor's daughter or the cheerleading coach was definitely a well needed change of pace.

Speaking of randomness, another random thought by yours truly. . . and on the more serious side. . . I truly appreciate the friends God has given me. It's amazing how I look back since I have graduated from NBBC and see who God has brought across my path when I needed it most. First there was Rebeka (aka Rebeast), who I am have known since Kindergarten, but since graduation we have become closer. We appreciate each other's randomness and I know she prays for me as much as I pray for her. . . and that is so important to me. Then there is Melissa, who I met this summer. She has been a blessing because of our common struggles in life, and the encouraging talks we have. God brought her along right in the middle of a monstrousity of a trial this summer. I thank the Lord for all of my friends and the encouragement they are to me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! I'm honored to be mentioned throughout this entire post! What have I done to deserve such prestige?!

I never knew the raspy laugh would take off so... I can't even remember the first occurance of the raspy laugh- but you're right~~ It does add such colorfullness to a laughing ensemble!!!

Love ya -- so much!! Noodalia!!!