Monday, February 13, 2006

Snow Day!

Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
The Lord knows what I need even when I do not ask for it. He provided me with an extra long weekend due to the blessings of a snow day today:o) It was such a blessing to wake up without an alarm clock and to wake up to daylight! Yes, tomorrow I must go back to the usual routine, but for today I will forget about the usual things I worry about.

Another blessing is the fact that Basketball season is done and I no longer will have to stay after school for practices and games. I can have a somewhat normal schedule and hopefully no longer feel like I am flying by the seat of my pants.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and the girls and I are having a dinner at my house! I refuse to wallow in the fact that I do not have that special someone to share this holiday with. God gave me fabulous friends, so why not celebrate with them?!

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