Monday, May 22, 2006

Field Trip. . . a success!

liberty bell
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
This is a picture of two of my students, Hunter and Abe, at the Liberty Bell (in case you couldn't tell by the picture). The field trip went by smoothly, despite my nervousness. I did not lose any students, and we were able to get to everything on the schedule.

We spent most of the day at The National Constitution Center. The students were able to go through the interactive exhibits, being able to vote for ammendments and be sworn in as President. They were also able to take pictures with life size bronze statues of the signers of the constitution. From there, we watched a presentation called "Freedom Rising", tracing the founding of our constitution to the present. After we left The National Constitution Center, we walked two blocks to the Liberty Bell and waited in line to go through security (which is as bad as in an airport). They were all able to spend time looking at the History of the Liberty Bell and to take pictures by it.

It was a good day in the end, and we even had beautiful weather despite the weather forecast. Thank the Lord! I am glad that this field trip is done for the year, so I can now focus on the end of the year--just 10 more school days to go!


Kelli said...

Sounds like the kids had a great time on thier field trip. Wow - only 10 more school days to go!

Katie Barker said...

Congrats on a successful field trip. I would be scared too, being the "adult in charge." Good job! (did you have any parents go along? - not sure if that would make it easier or harder.)