Monday, May 01, 2006

Miscellaneous Ramblings

Papa, Amber and Luke
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
Well, first off this is a picture of my Dad, my neice Amber and my nephew Luke. This picture was also taken while my sister Sarah was out here for a week visiting. We had a big cook-out dinner on one of the evenings. This picture was right after we consumed dinner and were waiting to make room for dessert. Speaking of desserts. . . stressed spelled backwards is desserts! Guess there is really a reason why we're drawn to desserts when we're stressed:o)

Since I've blogged last, here are the happenings of my life. School is busy as usual and I am in the midst of figuring out details to our field trip to Philadelphia. Do any of you have fun memories from your younger days on field trips???

I went to see a play friday night that homeschoolers put on in our area. It would not have been half bad if it didn't last 2 1/2 hours long!!!! Plus it was a friday night, when I usually zonk out by 9 pm! I went with the Farnham clan and it was enjoyable to be with them.

Saturday I slept in late because I took nyquil the night before. I have this awful cold as a result of my allergies. Dana, my sister-in-law, said that she does not get allergies when she is pregnant! So maybe that is what I'll have to do. . . just kidding!!!! Saturday evening, I went over to my friend Rebeka's house for a lovely dinner. All the boys were there (Dan, Dave, Brad, Micah, Paul, and Jarred) and of course they outnumbered us girls (Rebeka, Jarrion, Diana and myself). I can't say I particularly enjoyed all the boys company, due to circumstances out of my control, but on the whole it was enjoyable. I would say more, but the boys tend to read this and talk about it amongst themselves. So to avoid further complications, I will keep my mouth shut! I know it's a first. . . khehehehe:o)

So how was everybody else's week/weekend? Anything exciting to report of?


Tyararr J. Jones said...

Hey Sharon, glad to hear you had a nice fun weekend. The weather was great even though I prefer the cold any day. My weekend was filled with visiting the bus kids Saturday morning, catching up on phone calls, washing and waxing my jeep, and eating Chinese food with some friends. Talking about stress, this past week was full of decision making for me for the future. I must say that this year has been full of a lot of things I have not wanted to do. I want to do God's will, but this is the first time that I have struggled with doing it. God is my motivation so I press forward. Well, sorry this was so long. Hope you have a great day and week. Finish strong!

Anonymous said...

Sharon you totally crack me up! I'm glad you came over-- I wouldn't have enjoyed the evening nearly as much!!! I hope it wasn't too awkward for ya!

During lunch today-- I was looking up some verses specifically for this summer-- why I don't spend more time in the Word is beyond me-- it's so full of wisdom and encouragement!

Praying for ya-- specifically that things would get resolved-- quickly:-)!

Unknown said...

You're making me very curious as to the behavior of those boys . . . but since you refer to them as boys and not "men" I get the picture. :) Hang in there with school, dear! How much longer do you go for?

Kelly Glupker said...

I don't know if you remember me or not. I worked with your brother Tim at the information desk at Northland. I was also good friends with Dana. Unfortunately, I have lost contact with Dana over the last couple of years. I was excited to read on your post that she is (or was) pregnant. How many kids do they have? If you could please tell her hello for me I would really appreciate it!
Good luck on planning your field trip. I am currently planning one for my secondary students. You are very lucky to live near so many wonderful historical sites. I am in Michigan!

Sharon said...

Alicia-- We have about 5 weeks left of school. Not too bad. I am feeling the crunch of trying to finish things up. And the curiousity about the boys, I would probably tell more, but the boys check this and talk about it amongst themselves. I was tempted to leave a nasty post about them being nosey, but I haven't yet.

Kelly-- I do remember you. Dana and Tim are having their 1st child, and it's a boy! I'll be sure to tell Dana and Tim hey for you.