Monday, March 20, 2006

Miscellaneous Thoughts

Sorry, no picture with this post. I know it's a rarity that I do not upload a picture with every post, but I could not think of anything appropriate for the occasion.

My 24th birthday has come and gone, and 3 parties later. . . I am actually partied out. It was nice to have a relaxing weekend and be able to kick back and have fun.

I have realized over the years that I can express myself more in writing than I can in words. Obviously, for those who know me, I am not a girl of few words, but I guess I get that from my Dad. I often find myself over explaining things because I can not seem to get how I feel out clearly. Now, when it comes to teaching, it is not so hard because I am dealing with elementary concepts and principals. This blog has become a way to "verbally" express what is going on in my life.

It is hard for me most of the time to say verbally to most people how God works in my life. So as I type it out or write it down, it often becomes more clear to me. God has been working big time in my life. It scares me in a way, because I am not in control. It also excites me to know that I should not be in control. If God even values the sparrow's life, how much more does He value mine! Here are some verses that God has been using to bless me this past week:

Luke 12:6-7
6 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. 7 Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.


Tyararr J. Jones said...

The constant struggle to let go and Let God is one that faces me everyday. It is when I let God...that I truly begin to experience true peace.

Kelli said...

It is the best and scariest feeling in the world to "let go and let God". But what better place can we be in then to be under God's Control? Thanks for sharing; that was definately an encouragement to me!