Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Funny Story

Erin Branks
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
So a couple weekends ago, My friend, Jen Totaro and I went to Virginia Beach to visit Erin Branks (as stated in a previous posting). Sunday night after church, we headed to Starbucks and on the way there Erin rolled down the window (for a reason not to be told). The window gets stuck down and it is 30 degrees outside. So we freeze the rest of the way to Starbucks. So we get our delectable drinks and sit on those big purple chairs they have at every Starbucks. Before long, Erin gets a little too excited about something and spills her coffee down the front of her. She then had to precede to drive home with sticky coffee all down her front and back with the window stuck down!


Sharon said...

Yes, we did laugh heartily about it all. Erin didn't laugh as much as Jen Totaro and I did. . . wonder why???

Katie Barker said...

Sharon - I had no idea you and Jen T. came down here. Wish I could have see you guys. :( Oh well. I am sure that your trip was busy enough without seeing every NBBC person you ever knew. However, if you come again in the next 3 years, maybe it will work out. kb