Saturday, March 18, 2006

SURPRISE. . .sort of

Surprise B-Day2
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
Yesterday, my students through me a surprise birthday party. Of course they are not very good at hiding what they are planning, but I enjoyed it anyway.

So today I turn 24. It does make me feel old when I say that, but I actually do not feel any older than the day I graduated high school. But reflecting on the past year of my life I thank the Lord for all that He has done. It has not exactly been the easiest of years, but I can see God's hand working.


Tyararr J. Jones said...

Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! You look like a .......okay I can't go on singing this one. Anyways, I hope you had a refreshing day celebrating your Birthday. TAke care and have a wonderful day!

Kelli said...

Happy Birthday, Sharon! Hope you had a wonderful day!

Unknown said...

Sharon: I just discovered Kelli's blog and linked to yours. You probably don't remember me - I'm an old pal of your sister Sarah's. It's been fabulous reconnecting to long lost nbbc pals. How do you enjoy teaching? I know, I felt very old at 24 too. I got married when I turned 24 though and a close friend (colleen mcqueary formerly skaggs) got married at 24 also. Hmmmmmm, I wonder. :)