Thursday, December 15, 2005

Casting Crowns

Casting Crowns Concert
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
This concert was amazing! My friend, Rebeka, and I went to their concert in Allentown on Nov. 12th. I loved it, minus their opening band. Their opening band was a little too hard core for me. I couldn't even understand what they were singing:oP

Casting Crowns was awesome. They shared a testimony before each song of why they wrote the song or how God used that song in their life. Not that I necessarily agree with some of the stuff they did at the end of the concert, but on the whole it was a very encouraging concert to go to.

This is my third blog, three days in a row! That hasn't happened since the spring! I think that I actually feel a little into a routine with the new school year. I guess with a new grade to teach and helping out with Cheerleading after school, things have gotten a little crazy. At some points, I think I bit off more than I could chew. God still gave me the grace to get through those "crunch" moments in life, which become longer and longer as you grow older. Some days you just have to make yourself stop and go to bed and finish the rest the next day. Finally, I think I am learning the fine skill of saying no to things, instead of overbooking myself. I guess that is part of growing up as well, learning to focus on the important things in life. I just have to leave everything in God's hands and trust that everything that needs to get done, will get done.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Luke and me

Luke and me
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
Ok, so for all my fans out there, which I know are few:o), here is a picture of my nephew Luke and myself. He is the most fun kid ever! Full of energy and has quite the vocabulary for a 3-year-old! He is my oldest sister, Steph's, 3rd child. There hasn't been a time where I've been around him and he hasn't made me laugh because of something he says or something he does. My friends around here in PA even love him. Rebeka wants to marry him (which of course is not plausible), and he even gets along great with Daniel Birkface (I know its a miracle)!

I only have one more week until Christmas break! I am stoked about it:o) We actually get 3 extra days off this year because the new principal realized that we scheduled to many hours into our school year. I am off to Chi-Town for part of the break to visit my friend, Melissa Thacker.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


bumper sticker
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
Well, this bumper sticker was stuck on none other than Daniel Birkholz's (aka birkface, jerkface, nerdface's) car. I do believe this bumper sticker is a classic, and well, Daniel deserved a little revenge from violating poor little stella (my car). Yes, I named my car. . . but it's my only worldly asset of any significant monitary value. There will be more pictures to come of other assundry items hung from his car by yours truly:o)

Well, on a more serious note, God is truly good. I know everybody says that, but He's so patient with me even when I feel such a disconnect between my head and my heart (as stated in the last posted blog). It takes a lot of prayer to get myself out of my inward and selfish mindset, to a mindset that is totally focused on God. Often times I don't even realize how unrealistic my thoughts are until my emotions are all wacked out. But through the prayer of my friends and my own prayers, God brings me back to the right mindset. I need to think on the things that true, lovely and of good report. No more thinking on the "what if" or "if only" part of life. I am not in control of the future, and I can not change the past. God works everything out for his Glory, no matter how much I screw up or untrusting I become.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
How can one speak of God's spectacular creation? How can one even sum up all that God has done in creation in words? It's so hard to fathum the power of God, and yet how compassionate He is to each of us.

Ok, so it's time to be honest. I'm finding it hard to match what is in my head to what I feel in my heart. Let me explain. I have had a rough batch of relationships in my time. The last one being the worst. And as I sit here, interested in someone, but scared half to death of taking any risk at all in a relationship. I know that it takes risk in order to have a relationship, but my heart is so uneasy. Once trust is broken, it's hard to imagine trusting again. The hurt still is there, but I know that my God is greater than any hurt in any relationship that I've had. My God can heal my hurt heart.

Another area that I know the Lord is working in my heart is the area of patience in waiting for His timing. I'm so like the children of Israel. I can look back right after God works a situation out in His timing and be so grateful, then a few moments later in life I find myself discontent with God's timing once again. Like I said before, I know in my head that God's timing is perfect, but my heart is someplace else. How ignorant am I that I can't get what's in my head down to my heart?

Friday, November 18, 2005

Would You Rather. . . ?

Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
Ok, so I absolutely love this game, and of course became addicted to it immediately. I first played this game at college at an extension party, but haven't seen it around for a few years. Then, lo and behold I walk into Barnes and Noble and there it is!

So here is a sampling of questions that you have to answer in the game. You can not say neither, nor can you say both to any of the questions. You must choose one side or the other. . .

1. have a head half its normal size, OR twice its normal size?

2. be born with an elephant trunk OR a giraffe neck?

3. have malosses in your underwear all day OR gravel in your underwear all day?

4. have rampant fingernail fungus OR permanent nose warts?

5. be temporarily invisible OR invincible?

6. be rich OR famous (but not both)?

7. have eyes the size of golfballs OR teeth the size of computer keys?

8. have to turn around three times everytime before you sit down (like a dog) OR do a little jig everytime you enter a doorway?

9. be able to bathe everyday but have to wear the same set of unwashed clothes and underwear OR give up your right to bathe but be able to change clothes everyday?

10. never feel pain OR never fear?

If you have a chance, leave a comment on what you would rather for some of these questions. The best part for some of these questions is to picture the abnormality in your mind. . . .tehehehe:o)

Sorry this isn't the usual serious blogging I have been doing, but I was feeling light-hearted today:o)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

candles in the darkness

candles in the darkness
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
Go light your world, is what comes to mind when I see this picture.
"There is a candle in every soul
some brightly burning, some dark and cold" This is an excerpt from a Chris Rice song, that I absolutely love. We, as Christians, are to be brightly burning lights to this dark world around us.

We are not to try to blend in, but we are to be different. Different, not as in odd, but in a good way. Where people around us notice that we have something that they do not have. Something that makes a difference, that gives us the inner joy through the good and the bad times of life. It's our Saviour, Jesus Christ, who is our Life!

Christ is all I need, and I am complete in Him! It hit me again this morning during elementary chapel, while the kids were singing "All in All" on the top of their lungs. There is nothing more precious than children singing from their hearts to the Lord. Just the pure joy exuberating on their faces as they make a joyful noise.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Little People

Little People
Originally uploaded by
It's so true. Why do we even think that we can do anything in and of our own strength. We are little people who God uses once we realize our emptiness. What's amazing is how God uses are inabilities to show Himself! I can not get over how great our God is. . . it's so amazing that it brings me to tears even as I type this blog. Why would I ever think that I could control my life and end up with true joy and fulfillment? My mere finite mind is in no comparison to God's infinite mind and plans He has for me. Here is a song that as I was reading on the plane to Florida I heard on my CD player. It's by Casting Crowns, and the words brought tears to my eyes.

"Praise You in this Storm"
I was sure by now/ that you would have reached down/ and wiped my tears away/ Stepped in and saved the day/ But once again, I say "Amen", and it's still raining

As the thunder rolls/ I barely hear You whisper through the rain/ "I'm with you"/ And as Your mercy falls/ I raise my hands and praise the God who gives/ And takes away

I'll praise You in this storm/ And I will lift my hands/ For You are who You are/ No matter where I am/ Every tear I've cried/ You hold in Your hand/ You never left my side/ And though my heart is torn/ I will praise You in this storm

I remember when I stumbled in the wind/ You heard my cry/ You raised me up again/ My strength is almost gone/ How can I carry on/ If I can't find You

I lift my eyes unto the hills/ Where does my help come from?/ My help comes from the Lord/ The Maker of Heaven and Earth

Another song on their new CD that also goes along the same lines that really has hit home with me is called "In Me"
And as I finish up this entry on my blog, here is the chorus to "In Me":

Cause when I'm weak, You make me strong/ when I'm blind, You shine Your light on me/ Cause I'll never get by living on my own ability/ How refreshing to know You don't need me/ How amazing to find that You want me/ So I'll stand on Your truth, and I'll fight with Your strength/ Until you bring the victory, by the power of Christ in me

Friday, October 07, 2005

joyful relief

joyful girls
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
It is most definitely a joyful relief to be friday! The weekend is finally here and sleep is on its way. I am at school, still, which is on the depressing side for a friday night. I had so much to do in the classroom, and also had to get lesson plans done. All so I don't have to come back in tomorrow. I am going back on my rule of no work on friday nights. Friday night is usually my night to unwind from the week.

We are getting hit hard with rain this weekend, which made recess so much fun today inside! The kids love it, but I can see how it drives the teacher insane--having the kids inside all day. All that pent up energy has to be released somehow. . . We played a few of the classics such as "heads up 7-up", "four corners" and "huckle-buckle-beanstalk". . . which brought back some memories:o)

So the picture for this blog represents how I feel, a release from stress both from work and relationships. God is truly good to me. Even though I hardly ever understand His ways, I know I don't have to I just have to trust. Certain situation and circumstances have come to be in my life, and in my human understanding I thought I would be "down in the dumps", but God has truly given me that inner joy! I can not say enough about how good God is!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

one of those weeks. . .

giraffe lick
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
Ever just have one of those weeks that you want to stick your tongue out to? Well, life is full of the unexpected. . . it's to expect the unexpected. If life went as we planned or as we desired, life would be so boring. God knows what we need when we need it, but somehow I lose sight of that many times in life and than bam! He hits me with something unexpected that throws me off me feet and brings me back to Him. God has truly been working in my heart, in ways that I didn't exactly expect or even want.

This week started with some reactions from the prank I played on Dan last week, but just to have you know he started it by vandalizing my classroom. Through many different people and things said to him everything came out from this past year. I feel relieved surprisingly. Yes I did struggle with my emotions of liking Dan last year and even some this past month. The struggle this past month was that I didn't want to like him anymore, but I was confused by his actions and what he was saying to me. Needless to say it all came out and now we understand where each other are coming from. We are just friends and I am perfectly content with that. God is truly good. If this would've happened last year, I woud've been heart broken. . . but God's timing is perfect.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

escape from reality

escape from reality
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
Ok so the title of this picture that I found caught my attention. It is so much like most of us, wanting to escape from reality--avoiding our problems. So much would I like to escape from certain issues in my life and move away. For some reason I think moving or "escaping from reality" will make my problems go away, but in actuality your problems just go with you and sometimes get worse.

I think I know what is best for me, but only the Lord knows that one. The school year started off with finding out the reason I have been sick for so long is because I have mono. Of course I find out the day my sister had her baby girl, so I couldn't even go to the hospital to hold her. But God had his perfect timing and I was able to hold her last night for the first time!

Another reality thing that kinda kicks my butt is this whole dating thing. I wish that I could get passed this struggle in my life. I know that marriage isn't perfect and that it has it's problems, but I just want a different set of problems to deal with for varieties sake. Idealy I would like to skip the whole dating thing and go right to engagement. It would be so nice for "the one" to come up to me and say "I love you will you marry me?". . .skip from friends to engagement. I know that this is not going to happen, because you need that dating time to figure certain things out in a relationship. I just hate the limbo of pre-dating relationships where you are unsure of their feelings for you. I also hate after dating when things don't work out. Whether you break up with them or they break up with you, it is no fun just pure hurt feelings and awkwardness for a while afterwards.

So as I sit and think of my ideal life and try and escape from reality, I realize that if I had my ideal life, I would be bored. More importantly I wouldn't depend on the Lord for anything either. So I will struggle through the same old things until God removes them in His timing.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

some days ya gotta dance

Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
So I feel like dancin' in the rain today! I am so glad it is not steaming hot out anymore. It's been a long past few days, but I am sure time will fly as I approach the school year. Hopefully by then I will be over this pesky sickness that I have been plagued with for over 2 weeks. Thankfully, the doctor gave me some antibiotics yesterday so in the 24 hours or so I should begin to feel normal (which I know is definitely a relative term these days).

Adrian left to go home. . . glory! I have been helping out with our school's cheerleading squad and getting my classroom set up while fighting off this sickness. My parents are on vacation this week, without me:o( but I will survive and hold the fort down.

So with everything that is going on, I feel the urge to dance in the rain. Yes, it will probably get me more sick, but it might just be worth it today:o)

Saturday, August 06, 2005


Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
So I haven't blogged in over a month, but I do have an excuse. For three out of the past 4 weeks I have been at camp as a counselor. I have also been getting ready for the school year to start and some unexpected events have occured this summer.

Camp was splendid. I can't believe how much God has spoken to me up there, even as a counselor. Emotionally, this summer has been a rollar coaster and a whirlwind. Nothing that I expected to happen happened, and the unexpected happened.

The last time I blogged I was confused between two boys, not being able to sort out my feelings, and afraid to let go of a long time interest in one boy. God has definitely shown me the carnality of the heart and how easily one can fall. I did end up dating the new interest for the summer, in attempt to totally let go of my long time past interest. We only "dated" for less than 24 hours because some events occurred that were inappropriate on his part in those 24 hours. It took me a while to get over the fact that I could've prevented his actions.

Through wise counsel I have backed away from that relationship, because the main thing that drew me to it was the attention I was recieving. I was not all about him, like he was all about me. We did talk things out on many occasians, of which he did repeatedly apologized for his actions that night. I did forgive him, but since my heart was never totally in the relationship, I have no desire to keep a dating relationship going with him. I thank God that the Lord stopped me from going too far into a relationship with him.

So after all of that relationship mess I spent a lot of time at camp throwing myself and all that God has taught me into teens lives. I truly feel that God used them more in my life than I was used in theirs. God is so faithful and full of grace and mercy! He has shown me so much about my own heart and how the impurities that are in it.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Daddy's Girl

in her dad's hand
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
I loved this picture! I never really thought of myself as a Daddy's Girl til after I graduated from College. What can I say? I love my daddy! Maybe its because we are more on the same level now, or maybe its because of living at home this past year and sharing the same laughs and heartaches. . . but either way, I would do anything for my dad!

I want to marry someone who is like my dad. Someone who loves the Lord, who loves me unconditionally, who can take my sarcasm and humor. . . and add to my sarcastic comments:o)

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

In a romantic mood

The Kiss
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
Well, its been quite some time since I blogged anything. School got out, and then I started a temp job and haven't really gotten around to updating it. Sorry to my few faithful friends who faithfully check and are probably wondering what has happened.

School did get out and it is such a relief to have a summer break. No more taking work home with me for a few months. . . aaahh:o) There is a definite sigh of relief on my end. I love teaching, but if I had to keep up that schedule all 12 months of the year, I would be put into an early grave or committed to an insane asylum. The one thing that truly excites me about next year is the fact that I am teaching 5th grade ALL BY MYSELF! No more shifting classrooms, and no more "whole filler" position for me! I went to Barnes and Noble with my friend Jen on monday night and I have a definite weakness for children's books. I only bought 2, which took a lot of self-control. I can't wait to set-up my classroom and decorate and just get all settled in!

I am definitely in a romantic mood lately, hence the picture for this blog. You have to admit that it is pretty intense. I am more or less confused about my so called "love life". I was so in deep like of someone (who will remain nameless), and I didn't have an open mind towards anyone else. Our relationship wasn't going anywhere past friends, and he just didn't seem to have much motivation in that area of his life. So I have been praying that God will send someone to totally sweep me off my feet. I didn't expect confustion. God knows what is best, but right now I am confused between the guy I liked all school year, and a new guy who I met a couple weeks ago. Not that I should get too wrapped up in such things, because I do not have to pursue. I just wait to be pursued. The one thing I am hypothetically afraid of is that this new guy and I will start something more serious, and then the old guy will come along and want something more than friends. I guess because I can't totally let go of the old guy. I thought I was totally over the old guy too, until that thought crossed my mind. The Lord knows what I need and when I need it, so I know that everything will work out for His Glory. I just gotta keep reminding myself of that and remember that God is molding me into His image. It is just so hard as a girl to not get unrealistic expectations and dreams of a romantic relationship. Jeremiah 29:11 has become one of my favorite verses recently. God knows the path.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

My trip to Wisconsin. . .

Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
So I tried to pick an appropriate picture to go along with my trip, and this one gave me the biggest chuckle. It definitely describes how those Wisconsinites talk. . . they're a different breed all on their own.

My trip was so much fun. I love travelling and catching up with old college buddies, and this trip had a little bit of both. It wasn't as depressing driving on campus of NBBC, because I wasn't under all the rules as a student. It was actually quite liberating to wear jeans around campus and in the class buildings.

All the girls in the wedding went to Peir's Gorge for a picnic on saturday, then we met up with the rest of the wedding party and relatives for a bombfire at the Coat's house. It was so relaxing!

Julie and Rob's wedding was beautiful, and they had an absolutely gorgeous day for pictures as well. One of the bridesmaids fainted and fell off the stage, which provided some extra drama for the whole event. I did feel horrible for the poor bridesmaid, but looking back it is actually quite humurous.

The whole trip was quite relaxing, and I enjoyed being in the middle of nowhere. I don't think I could live out there, but to visit a quiet and serene place for a few days was definitely a blessing.

Friday, May 27, 2005

rebeka and me

rebeka and me
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
Well, it seems to be my friday ritual to get updated on my blog. Not that too many people check out my blog, and sometimes I get some nasty comments from "anonymous" people. Oh well, I just laugh and say if they don't have the courage to leave their name, I won't take their criticism seriosly.

So this picture is not that great of me. It was after the water fiasco at my fam's mountain house. That weekend was full of drama, but tons of fun. . . And I have Rebeka and Danielle to thank!

So today I leave for good old cheese country (aka wisconsin). My friend's Julie and Rob are getting married on Memorial day, so off I go! I am pretty excited to see all my good old college buds--be stupid together and not a care in the world. Well, can't really say not a care in the world, because I have some lovely finals to grade. . . blah, blah, blah! I'm leaving today, right after school to fly out there. . . and the best part is the mere fact that I do not have to do bus duty after school (good old dan-o is filling in for me, cause I conveniently made a negotiation a couple weeks ago--tehehe:o)

Another thing, last weekend, my friend Rebeka (in the picture with me) got some anonymous roses at her desk. So we still don't know who they are from (even though she makes up some juicy lies), we did try and make Dan-o feel guilty for e-mailing and insinuating that he was the one who sent them, even though he didn't. (That was all my idea--I was the middle man, telling Dan to e-mail Rebeka and then trying to make Dan feel guilty for doing so).

Probably should get back to entering fourth quarter grades on the computer. . . the endless task!

Friday, May 20, 2005

It's almost summertime:o)

crystal waters
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
I can not express my pure joy for summer! I will be done my first year of teaching as of June 3rd (2 weeks from today). It's a miracle that I've made it through without doing something totally stupid (no comments from the peanut gallery please!) And yes things are completely outta control and crazy busy so I've kinda let my blog fall by the wayside. Hope all my avid readers will forgive me (aka christina).

It's a rainy one out today folks, but its supposed to be warm and sunny the rest of the weekend. . . yipee:o) It's the beach for me on sunday! Yesterday was a beautiful day as well. We had a high school softball tourney and I played on the faculty team. Of course, it was complete humiliation due to my lack of athletic skills (once again no comments please). It actually wasn't that bad. I had fun and stayed where the ball did not go too much. Hitting was another issue. I did manage to at least get on base a couple times, so it wasn't a complete lost cause. The shining moment was when Dan, another PE teacher who is athletic, totally biffed it running around first base. . . I mean a total wipe-out. It gave me a good chuckle, and I figured even athletic guys biff it:o)

Now, back to what I said I was going to do on this entry. Goals for the summer:
1. go to Hawaii and learn to surf!
2. rest and relaxation
3. do so many crazy things, too crazy to mention that I will do them
4. have a splendid time and getting paid all summer not to work:o)

Friday, May 13, 2005

mmmm. . . friday!

Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
I love coffee! I am in dier need of a coffee fix! Its finally friday, but I am always so tuckered out by the end of the week. I think it has something to do with the mere fact of dealing with jr. highers all week in school and in youth group. I love them all, but by the end of the week I am always in need of a day free of teenagers!

Now being a teacher of Jr. Highers I often wonder how shallow their world is. Everything is about the here and now--its so hard for them to see how their actions affect their future. I guess I was the same way back then too. I am just thankful the Lord has opened my eyes to how important it is to live my life for Him. The biggest lesson I learned this past year was the fact that each day is a gift. A gift from God that I should take advantage of everyday! If I get caught up in the here and now, I miss the opportunities God has for me for that day.

Anyway, back to starbucks. . . I think I am going to find myself perched at one this weekend. . . grading 7th grade term papers (oh joy)! I have a lot of grading to do this weekend, along with my brother's graduation ceremony from seminary. But today is friday. . . and as soon as I leave this school building I won't touch anything to do with school til tomorrow (its a personal rule in order to keep myself sane).

Thursday, May 12, 2005

pet peeves

beach time
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
OK so the picture has nothing to do with what this post is about. . . It is just one of those calming pictures, and to tell you the honest truth I love the beach! There is nothing like relaxing reading a book on the beach, walking along the shoreline. . . and swimming in the ocean! Definitely one of my favorite things to do. . .

So back to the matter at hand. . . I have to say that I've been gathering quite a few number of pet peeves, so to speak. One of which came up yesterday. . .
1. Someone leaving a critical comment or note without having the guts to leave their name. People do that to my dad as their pastor more than I think they should. If you have some constructive criticism, have the stinkin guts to leave your name, otherwise you are no better than the person you are criticizing!
2. Another pet peeve would be when people are nice to you due to just pure obligation or who you are related to. I say if you don't like me, than you don't have to feel bad for me and do things with me. . . just be who you truly are. And don't try and impress my dad or my grandfather by being nice to me only when they are around. . .
3. OK so this pet peeve kinda goes along with #2. No schmoozing. I really don't mind if you schmooz other people, actually I find it quite humurous, but I absolutely hate it when people try and schmooz me over. Well, mostly if their my friend do I hate it. Students try and kiss-up all the time, and I just laugh and think their really not getting anywhere with their schmoozing. Nothing is more annoying though or frustrating than not knowing how someone truly feels about you because they "sugar-coat" everything for you like you couldn't handle it or something. . . I say get real and just say it, especially if your asked to.
4. This is not a major pet peeve, but it does drive me insane at times. When somebody calls you cranky when your not. . . all I can think is I wasn't cranky until you said I was. . .

That is the list of my pet peeves. . . Don't ask me why I felt like posting them. . . I just felt the spirit.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

lost. . .

wrong way
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
So as you see, I was planning on uploading some pictures from my cell of Lui's house. . . which is a monstrousity, but I thought this sign would be more appropriate for what I am about to tell you.

I was on my way, with another teacher, Dan Birkholz, and following my father's directions. . . I take one wrong turn and eventually figure out about 5 minutes down the road that I took a wrong turn and thought I should just turn around and get back on course. . . no, no, no. . . I follow good old dan-o's advice and keep going thinking that 113 eventually hit 422. . .

And of course it did, about 15 minutes later. . .but we were no where near where we needed to be on 422. So now it is rush hour, and I am completely stuck in traffic. We, well I should just say I eventually got us back to where we were supposed to be. And by the way 422 is NOT germantown pike which is where I actually needed to be.

So the 20 minute trip turned into 2 hours. . . of course I felt extremely humiliated for taking that long to get there. The house was huge, full of marble and granite shipped in from Italy all custom made. . . even the bottom of their indoor pool was some type of marble. . .and when you drive up to the place, you think your driving up to the white house with the huge pillars in front and all!

Lui is doing well considering his immobilization. The one thing that made me feel better about going the wrong way is the fact that Lui beat Dan at some X-Box game 5 times. . .and Lui was only playing with his one hand!

The way back was a lot less eventful, despite the fact that Dan was endlessly mocking me for the long trip there. . . which in all actuality he could have avoided because once we got back to the right area I did offer to take him home first if it was getting too late for him. . .but I am glad that he came, because he did make me laugh to ease the panic that I felt inside from the whole ordeal!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I love NY

NY City/Broadway
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
I love NY City! I have seen Phantom twice on broadway and this past weekend I rented Phantom. . . it was AWESOME! And I'm not even the opera type, and besides I had to have an excuse to show this picture which I took in NY City this past summer:o)

So school has been school, nothing new or out of the ordinary. One of my students, Lui Santoro, flipped his ATV this passed weekend and he is immobile for this next week. I am going to stop by and see him today at his 11,000 square foot mansion! I will definitely have to upload pictures from my camera phone for my next blog. My dad said his house has 2 kitchens, indoor pool, home theatre and basicly the works! It's more than 4 times the size of my fam's house. . . so it must be huge.

I can't believe that the school year is almost done. Less than 4 weeks to go til the summer. . . which I have already started the tanning process:o) The tanning bed beckoned me. . . and I still here its calling! Yeah, I know its not good for me, probably get skin cancer, but if it wasn't so relaxing and calming after a day of school. . . aahh:o)

Oh and I love you Christina, since I know you check my blog out and wondered why I hadn't posted anything recently! Oh and sorry I missed you're call back last night. I had fallen asleep. . .

Thursday, May 05, 2005


Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
So I am soooo excited to go to Hawaii this summer and see my friend Christina! I so want to learn to surf, and all that jazz, maybe a little hula dancing too:o) As we all know my fine skill of dance. . .

This week has definitely gone by quickly. Tomorrow its friday, and I can't wait for the weekend! My dad had some meetings with school stuff this week, so hopefully things will settle out soon.

I had this most horendous dream last night that I couldn't control the 7th graders and I had to give them all detention. . . I woke up all stressed, not a good way to start the day mind you (especially since the first class I have is 7th grade homeroom).

Today we are actually dissecting frogs with the 7th grade life science class. . . It seems to be going well so far, no fatalities (except for the frogs:o) We'll be finishing that up last hour. I'm definitely praying my way through this one!

I know that this blog is totally full of random thoughts. . . but that is the way my mind operates, especially today:o)

Sunday, May 01, 2005


Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
I am definitely having one of those sentimental moments. . . Yesterday I talked to christina on the phone as well as some other friends from Northland. I miss all of my friends sooo much!!!!!!! So this blog definitely is dedicated to my friends. . . that mean so much to me! For Jen in florida, for Christina in Hawaii, and Keara back in Wisconsin--I love you and miss you!

For Adam, whose picture I don't have uploaded, thanks for making me laugh. . . So I am seriously going through Northland friend withdraw!!!!

I love you all

Thursday, April 28, 2005


Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
Even though I just started this blog thing and no one really seems to check my sight out because most of my friends do not have a blog themselves, I still am enjoying uploading and posting humorous pictures from my archives:o)

This comic was given to me by a girl back at school (good old Northland). It has a double meaning and for my friends (keara, christina and jen), it should bring back some memories:o)

I had a lovely (with much sarcasm in my voice) meeting yesterday after school with the principal, a parent and a student. It ended up going OK, I'm just at the point where I am ready to be done with the year and move on to teach elementary. . . which is my passion.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

funny sign

funny sign
Originally uploaded by sharjoy18.
So I thought this sign was super funny, kinda reminded me of a sign up in Wausakee, WI that said "diesel in rear". . . always gotta chuckle out of that one!

Adam told me how to upload pictures, so I have a feeling I will be a picture fanatic!!!! They say pictures are like a thousand words. . .

It's finally wednesday, yesterday seemed to drag on and on. . . I thought the school day would never end. Last hour study hall on tuesday with those lovely 7th graders (who I refer to as "my thorn in my flesh") is always so much fun having to constantly tell them to get to work and be quiet.

So today I have a meeting with the principal, a parent and a student, which I am not looking forward to. My dad has a super stressful meeting today as well, way more stressful than mine. So I have been in much prayer about his meeting.

I can't wait til the weekend!!!! My sister and her fam is coming in for the week from Indiana, and I can just sit back and relax and not have to get up at 5 am, hopefully:o)

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

back again

Ok, so I still have no clue how this whole blog thing works, but I am learning how to post things. I can't wait til the school year is done on June 3rd! Definitely ready to move on and teach Elementary full time and not just be a whole filler for jr high. . . blah!

I have been having rather intense dreams lately, and I wake up in the middle of them. The reason I think for these dreams is mainly the stress of life right now. Between the messy school situation that has been going on since January and figuring out finances and just basicly life, my mind gets overloaded. . . The one thing that truly is a blesing in all of the stress is the fact that I have the Lord! How can someone survive without the Lord? I can't imagine it! He is my strength through all of the stress, and even though I still feel the tenseness of the situation I still have the joy of the Lord in my heart! (which is so awesome!)

So I should sign off for now, until next time. . . have a fantabulous day:o)

Monday, April 25, 2005

new at this

Ok, so my friend Adam introduced me to this blog deal, and I really don't know what I am doing. I thought I would give it a try and see how this all works. . . get my other friends hooked onto it as well.

Right now I am "teaching" 7th grade English. . . they are in the midst of reading the ever infamous Johnny Tremain. So today I gave them a work period, which works out quite well for them and also gives my voice a little breather before I hit 1st grae PE class. . . which by the way I have never met a bigger bunch of highly competitive tattle-tales! But I love them anyway!

So that is it for my first posting. . . I will leave more next time, once I get the chance to write more. . .

Until next time. . .